To ensure that all research outputs from the previous year have been submitted to the central monitoring system, the Research and Community Service Agency (BPPM) of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Research and Community Service Outputs. The event was held in the Hall of Building A FCS UB on Wednesday (8/7/2024).
In addition to inviting all FCS UB lecturers as participants, BPPM FCS UB also asked the Government Agency Performance Accountability System team, the Journal Publishing Agency (BPJ) team, and Prof. Zuliati Rohmah to provide socialization to the lecturers who attended.
The event began with remarks from the chairman of BPPM FCS UB, Tantri Refa Indhiarti, S.S., M.A. She expressed her gratitude to all lecturers who were willing to take the time to attend the Monev for Research and Service Outputs that she organized. Remember, she conveyed the purpose of organizing this activity and provided several directions for the lecturers who attended.
The next event was the socialization of KPI 5 outcomes delivered by Anandya Asprillia, S.S., M.A., representing the SAKIP team. She introduced the performance indicators and showed the system that must be passed to report KPI 5 outcomes.
“Why KPI 5? Because KPI 5 is closely related to publications and community service outcomes. So, we work intensely with BPPM. We need to communicate this with you so we can report your outputs as KPIs,” said Anandya.
Anandya’s explanation was followed by a question-and-answer session and continued with journal socialization and publication technical assistance from BPJ, with the assistance of Dr. Dany Ardhian, S.Pd., M.Hum.
He explained again about the journals owned by FCS UB and their characteristics. He also guided the lecturers on the technical aspects of publication registration in these journals. He also emphasized the importance of following the established guidelines to ensure a smooth publication process.
After the socialization session and technical assistance for publication by Dr. Dany Ardhian, the event continued with a sharing session on publication in Scopus-indexed international journals delivered by Prof. Zuliati Rohmah. In this session, Prof. Zuliati Rohmah provided in-depth insight into the selection of journal types by each lecturer’s research field.
She also discussed how to determine the type of journal that best suits the research topic and how to identify reputable and relevant journals. In addition, Prof. Zuliati Rohmah outlined the review process that researchers must go through, including the stages that must be considered to increase the chances of an article being accepted. Remember, she gave tips on estimating the waiting time until publication and how to deal with possible revisions or rejections from reviewers.
After the sharing session by Prof. Zuliati Rohmah, the lecturers were asked to complete the output draft that had been promised earlier. Each chairperson or one representative member of each research group was asked to ensure the draft was ready to be uploaded.
After the draft was completed, the lecturers were then directed to update the output status in the Research and Community Service Information System (SIPP). This activity aims to ensure that all research outputs have been recorded and collected by applicable regulations so that the reporting process can run smoothly and on time. The BPPM team also provided technical assistance during the status update process in SIPP.
With the collaboration between BPPM, the SAKIP team, BPJ, and the active participation of all FCS UB lecturers, it is hoped that all research and community service outputs can be adequately reported, support the achievement of university performance indicators, and strengthen academic contributions at the national and international levels. [trans.acl/ed.dts/PR FCS]