Research and Community Service Agency (BPPM) Journal Publishing Unit (BPJ) Humanities Laboratory (LIH) Information System and Public Relation Management (PSIK) Language and Creative Economy Services (LBEKRAF) Student Services and Empowerment Unit (ULPM) International Relations Office (IRO) Quality Assurance Independent Management Service Unit for Lecturers and Students (LPMDM) Integrated Service Unit for Sexual Violence and Bullying Integrated Data Service Unit Procedure (LDPADU)
Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) proudly released 52 prospective graduates in the...
Visiting the Wood Craft Center of Rejoso MSME and Creative Economy Village The Dean...
Prof. Hardy and Peking University Students Practice Batik at Batik Soendari The Faculty of Cultural...
DWP FCS UB Board Develops 2025 Work Program Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) Faculty of Cultural...
The Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) reaffirmed its role in cultural...
Esti Junining Abstrak Many studies uncover the fact that the Indonesian students EFL reading literacy...
Esti Junining Abstrak Giving feedback has still become a controversial issue in language pedagogy. Some...
Esti Junining Abstract Critical thinking is becoming the current issue of English Language Teaching (ELT)...
Aji Setyanto, M.Litt ABSTRAK Indonesia merupakan negara yang kaya raya akan keindahan alam dan keanekaragaman budayanya....
Aji Setyanto ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan apa saja yang ada antara budaya Jepang...
Aji Setyanto ABSTRACT In foreign language learning, mastering culture accompanying the language learned is essential and...
Aji Setyanto ABSTRACT The 2013 curriculum makes several schools in Indonesia remove foreign language subject especially...
Sony Sukmawan. ABSTRAK Dongeng kancil merupakan produk budaya yang memiliki kekhasan dan keunikan tertentu. Kekhasan teks...
Sony Sukmawan ABSTRACT variety of oral literature Lereng Arjuna not only reflect the cosmicconsciousness, but...
(CREATIVE WRITING OF PLAYSCRIPT WITH GUIDED WRITING STRATEGY) Sony Sukmawan ABSTRAK Dalam penelitian ini, upaya peningkatan...
Sony Sukmawan ABSTRAK Tata bahasa tradisional sudah ada sejak zaman Yunani pada abad kelima sebelum Masehi....
Sony Sukmawan ABSTRAK Mantra bisa diartikan sebagai susunan kata yang berunsur puisi (seperti rima dan irama)...