Dr. Tengsoe Tjahjono Tanggapi Polemik Penggunaan AI pada Penulisan Karya Sastra pada Kuliah Umum di FIB UB_1

The advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought about significant changes in various fields, including literature. AI can now mimic writing styles and produce works that spark debates regarding originality, ethics, and the position of humans in the creation of literature.

Responding to the need for a deeper understanding of the impact of AI in the realm of literature, the Study Programme of Indonesian Language and Literature Education (SPILLE), Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a public lecture entitled “AI and the Problems of Writing Literary Works,” which took place in the Hall of Building A FCS UB on Monday (10/28/2024).

This public lecture was delivered by Dr. Tengsoe Tjahjono, an experienced writer working academically since 1986. Dr. Tengsoe is known for his innovations in literature, such as the three-paragraph short story (pentigraf) and three-line poem (putiba). He has received various awards at the national level, including the Outstanding Literary Award from the Governor of East Java. His expertise in literature is recognized not only domestically but also internationally. Dr. Tengsoe was once a guest lecturer at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), South Korea.

In her speech, the Head of the SPILLE FCS UB, Dr. Eti Setiawati, M.Pd., emphasized the importance of language month to strengthen the spirit of nationalism and the development of the Indonesian language and literature.

Dr. Tengsoe Tjahjono Tanggapi Polemik Penggunaan AI pada Penulisan Karya Sastra pada Kuliah Umum di FIB UB_2

“October is expected to be a time to nurture the spirit of the youth pledge and the spirit of the birth of language by developing Indonesian language and literature. From the past until now, language has continued to develop, and currently, its development is colored by the existence of AI. So, this theme is very relevant to be delivered by Mr. Tengsoe,” she said.

Dr. Eti hopes that students can understand that although AI can produce literary works, creative values must still be rooted in the writer’s self-awareness.

In his presentation, Dr. Tengsoe emphasized the importance of using AI as an intelligent tool.

“After all, AI was created to facilitate humans. So, it will be useless if it is not used. The issue is how humans use AI? Will humans remain the subject or become the object of AI?” he said.

Dr. Tengsoe continued by highlighting that AI lacks creativity, especially in literature.

Dr. Tengsoe Tjahjono Tanggapi Polemik Penggunaan AI pada Penulisan Karya Sastra pada Kuliah Umum di FIB UB_3

“AI is not creative at all, especially in writing literary works. It just repeats patterns that it has learned from existing data. Humans with high-order thinking skillscan still utilize this tool to maximize their work. However, those who don’t will be enslaved by the AI’s uncreative repetition,” he explained.

Dr. Tengsoe also discussed experts’ responses to using AI in the literature. While some support AI as a tool, others doubt its impact on literary originality and creativity. He emphasized that ethical dilemmas, such as copyright and moral responsibility, also arise from using AI.

“What is clear is that AI will do something if given a command. So, whoever gives the prompts and instructions to the AI is responsible for whatever the AI writes,” he adds.

Dr. Tengsoe Tjahjono Tanggapi Polemik Penggunaan AI pada Penulisan Karya Sastra pada Kuliah Umum di FIB UB_4

Dr. Tengsoe closed his presentation by reminding us that, although AI can create new patterns as the data becomes richer, this technology can still not replace the human experience that is the core of literary works. [trans.acl/ed.dts/PR FCS]

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