Fitriana Puspita Dewi, Ph.D. Memberikan Pemaparan

Fitriana Puspita Dewi, Ph.D. Gives a Presentation

Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) and Faculty of Computer Science (FILKOM) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), in collaboration with International Joint Digital Archiving for Japanese Art & Culture (Arc-Ijac) Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan, in the project of Digitalization and Visualization Batik East Java. The project is led by FCS UB lecturer Fitriana Puspita Dewi, Ph.D., with members Dr. Aji Setyanto, S.S., M.Litt., and I Kadek Yudi Astawan, M.Sn., and involves M. Tibyani, ST., M.T. from FILKOM UB.

This project is divided into two stages, namely digitization, which will be realized in the form of a database of East Java batik motifs, and visualization in the form of a Virtual Institute, virtual gallery, interactive education, and so on.

This activity aims to record the wealth of batik motifs in East Java, create space for the development of research and innovation in the field of archipelago textiles, preserve the cultural heritage and local wisdom of East Java, elevate East Java batik, and promote East Java batik to the international world.

This project began with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity with ten Batik craftsmen in Malang Raya held on Wednesday (11/20/2024) in the Meeting Room on the 1st floor of Building B FCS UB. This FGD activity aims to socialize the digitization and visualization project, equalize perceptions and perspectives, map data classification, and schedule digitization activities.

Dr. Aji Setyanto, S.S., M.Litt. Memberikan Sambutan

Dr. Aji Setyanto, S.S., M.Litt. Delivering a Welcome Speech

“Through this digitization, we hope that batik is not only known as a cloth but also as a cultural symbol that the world can enjoy,” said Dr. Aji Setyanto, S.S., M.Litt., Vice Dean for Student Affairs, who is also part of this project.

The research team started the digitization process by analyzing and classifying the batik motifs of each batik house in Malang, including Batik Hamparan Rintik-Dinoyo, Batik Blimbing, Batik Ken Dedes Singosari, Batik Kantil, Batik Soendari, Batik Krajon DW, Batik Sukun, Bengkel Batik, Lana Batik Lawang and Batik Tulis Wagastu.

Ritsumeikan University provided technical support in database and software development to support the project in the future. The collaboration also includes batik data collection to expand the reading of East Java batik motifs globally.

“We want to ensure that this digitization will involve local artisans so that the art of batik remains relevant in the digital era with its development and large amount of data,” said a representative of Ritsumeikan University.

This activity is expected to be a significant step in advancing batik as a world cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO, strengthening cultural relations between UB Indonesia and Ritsumeikan University Japan, and as an effort to support the Center of ExcellenceDigital Humanities” FCS UB. [trans.acl/ed.dts/PR FCS]


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