FIB UB Mendapat Tawaran Kerja Sama dari Astmil Corp untuk Mahasiswa PS Sastra Jepang

The Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) received a visit from representatives of a Japanese company, Astmil Corp, in the 6th Floor Meeting Room of Building A FCS UB on Friday (10/18/2024). The meeting aimed to discuss internship and job opportunities in Japan for Study Programme of Japanese Literature (SPJL) students of FCS UB, attended by representatives from both parties.

Astmil Corp was represented by Takeda Yukihiko, President and General Director, Olivia Shafa Yasmine, and Ratih Mahendra. Meanwhile, FCS UB was represented by Santi Andayanti, M.A., Head of the SPJL; Ni Made Savitri P, M.A., Head of the International Relations Office (IRO); Dyanningrum Pradhikta, M.Ds., representative of the Community Development and Service Agency (BPPM); and Agus Budi Cahyono, M.Lt., lecturer of the SPJL.

FIB UB Mendapat Tawaran Kerja Sama dari Astmil Corp untuk Mahasiswa PS Sastra Jepang FIB UB Mendapat Tawaran Kerja Sama dari Astmil Corp untuk Mahasiswa PS Sastra Jepang

Astmil Corp offers internship programs in the hospitality, agriculture, and elderly care sectors. In addition, the company also provides job opportunities for fresh graduates who want to develop their careers in Japan.

FIB UB Mendapat Tawaran Kerja Sama dari Astmil Corp untuk Mahasiswa PS Sastra Jepang

Discussions are still at an early stage, including conversations about the type of program, costs required, duration, and compensation that students will receive. Through this scheme, FCS UB students are being offered a unique opportunity to gain direct professional experience in Japan, a chance that underscores their value and importance in the global academic community. [trans.acl/ed.dts/PR FCS]

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