Student Union
Student Executive Board
The Students’ Executive Board (BEM) FCS UB presented the trigger for the Tri Dharma of higher education as well as the production of new creations.
The vision of BEM FCS UB:
As the initiator of student intellectual movements that are inclusive, collaborative, creative, and based on human and cultural values.
The mission of BEM FCS UB:
- Creating a culture that can accommodate intellectual dynamics for the benefit of FCS students
- Maintaining and improving the democratic climate in FCS
- As a manifestation of the discipline, creativity, and character of FCS students
- As a driving force in resolving campus issues in society
BEM FCS UB consists of eight ministries:
- Ministry of Media and information
- Ministry of Advocacy
- Ministry of HRD
- Ministry of Sport and Arts
- Ministry of Social Environment
- Ministry of Creative Economy
- Ministry of Liaison
- Ministry of Strategic studies and actions
Student Activity Unit:
- Teater Lingkar
Teater Lingkar is one of the student activity units in the Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya. Teater Lingkar manages students’ interest in the theatrical field. Teater Lingkar was established on October 5, 2002
MUSICS is a student activity unit that is engaged in musical fields. This unit was initiated by the students who loved music in the Faculty of Cultural Studies (was Language and Literature Program in 2006).
E-Lite is one of the student activity units in the Faculty of Cultural Studies Universitas Brawijaya. E-Lite is the students’ choir. E-Lite has been active since 2007.
FOCS Dance Crew is a modern dance community in the Faculty of Cultural Studies UB that was officially established on October 26, 2012. Students that are interested in the modern dance could join this community.
Culture Sport is the student activity unit that supervises a few sports branches in the Faculty of Cultural Studies UB, such as futsal, basketball, volley, table tennis, and badminton. This unit was established on October 23, 2013.
PMK EFOD is the Christian community in FIB UB. The name “EFOD” is taken from a word in the Bible that means “the garment worn by the high priest”. PMK EFOD was inaugurated on February 11, 2009.
KMK ST. THERESIA which is the Catholic Student Family, is a student activity unit which gathers Catholic students who are studying at the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. Theresia is taken from the name of a saint (holy female figure in the Catholic church). KMK St. Theresia was founded on June 13, 2009.
Mata Pena is a community which accommodates students who are interested in literature. UKM Mata Pena is open to all FIB UB students, especially those who have an interest in reading and writing literary works.
Qurani Generation (Gen-Q) is a student activity which spreads Islamic Da’wah and accommodates FIB UB students to learn Islam more deeply. Gen-Q was previously FORISTRA (The Forum for the Study of Islamic in Language and Literature (Program)) which was established in June 2008.
Lensa Focus is one of the Student Activity Units which accommodates students of FIB UB who like photography and cinematography.
Gardha Budaya is a cross-departmental student community that was formed in mid-2017 as a forum for all FCS UB students to express their love for the faculty. Gardha Budaya was founded on the principle of kinship regardless of ethnicity, religion, and race. Gardha Budaya is owned by all FCS students as the front line to support and defend the Faculty of Cultural Sciences at all times.
FCS UB Ambassador is a student community of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) who become the representatives of the faculty and as the icon of the Faculty of Cultural Studies in the internal and external events.
Women Up is a women’s empowerment community that was established on March 6, 2020. The purpose of establishing Women Up is to increase awareness of gender equality and create a safe space for women starting from the scope of FCS UB. Women Up provides education, voice-related issues, and become a forum for women’s aspirations.
Study Program Student Association
- Study Program of English Student Association (ESA)
English Student Association (ESA) is the association of English Literature students of Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) that was established on January 14, 2010.
The first founders of ESA were Devri Anggriawan and Nazarsyah Septian Nanda. ESA was established to be a forum for developing students’ competences, especially in the scope of the Study Program of English Literature in the non-academic and organizational fields.
ESA oversees four departments:
- Linguistics and Literature Department (LLD)
- Business and Archiving Department (BAD)
- Human Resources Development Department (HRDD)
- Social and Networking Department (SND)
- Study Program of Japanese Literature Student Association
Students Association of Japanese Literature Study Program (Himaprodi Sastra Jepang) “BADAI” (Brawijaya Daigaku) also known as バダイ∙日本文学科学生会 (Badai Nihon Bungakka Gakuseikai) is one of the students associations in the Faculty of Cultural Studies in Universitas Brawijaya. Himaprodi Sastra Jepang was officially declared by Japanese Literature students on 26 February 2011, and has been active until now.
- Study Program of French Language and Literature Student Association
Cercle des Étudiants en Français (CEF) is an internal organization that exists at the level of the French Language and Literature Study Program, Universitas Brawijaya. CEF aims to be active as a forum for developing resources for all students of UB’s French Language and Literature Study Program. CEF hopes that this organization can bring goodness to all citizens of French Language and Literature. In optimizing its objectives and functions, CEF has five departments with different tasks. The five departments are Human Resources, Public Relations, Creative Media, Interests and Talents, and Social Affairs. The departments in the Élysée Cabinet aim to respond the social issues and as a forum for the actualization of community service.
- Study Program of Chinese Literature Student Association
Himaprodi of Chinese Literature or LONGWENXI is taken from 布拉维扎亚大学中文系 学生协会 (Bù là wéi zhā yà dàxué zhôngwén xì xuéshēng xiéhui) which means Student Association of Chinese Literature Universitas Brawijaya. Longwenxi helps improving the quality of Chinese literature students in developing their interests and talents in literature and non-literature fields. The Students Association of Chinese Literature Study Program was established in 2011.
- Study Program of English Language Education Student Association
The English Study Program Student Association hereinafter referred to as the Association of English Language Education Students (AEELS) which serves English Education students in terms of their study needs. AEELS is also committed to preparing English Education students to be the future young leaders.
- Study Program of Japanese Language Education Student Association
Japanese Language Education Students’ Association FCS UB coordinates with the organizations inside or outside FIB. Japanese Language Education Students’ Association FCS UB was established on 28 December 2011 as the place to channel the aspiration of Japanese Language Education students.
- Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Student Association
Study Program of Indonesian Language and Literature Education Students Association (Himaprodi Diksasindo) manages several activities. One of the activities is theater which accommodates students’ interests and talents in acting. This activity was established on March 21, 2013. The second activity is Diksasindo Futsal that accommodates students’ interests and talents in the field of futsal which was established in 2011.
- Study Program of Anthropology Student Association
Study Program of Anthropology Students Association (Himantara) was established on October 17, 2011. Himantara has an active goal of being a place of resource development for the students of the Study Program of Anthropology.
- Study Program of Fine Arts Student Association
Student Association of Arts which was established in 2013 functions as a forum for the students’ aspirations. It provides information related to arts, as well as develops students’ talents.