Nanyang Technological University Welcomed the Delegates of SPEL

The Study Programme of English Literature (SPEL) Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) participated in the Working Lecturer (Dokar) Programme in collaboration with Nanyang Technological University and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia in the terms of Curriculum Development, Joint Publications, and Student Exchange in the field of Language and Literature.

The Lecturer Team consisting of Isti Purwaningtyas, M.Pd., (the Chair), Hamamah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., (Dean of FCS UB), Sahiruddin, M.A, Ph.D. (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs), Nanang Endrayanto, M.Sc. (Vice Dean for General Affairs, Finance, and Resources), Tantri Refa Indhiarti, S.S., M.A., Dyah Eko Hapsari, M.Hum., Fredy Nugroho Setiawan, M.Hum., Muhammad Rozin, M.A., Fatimah, S.Pd., M. Appl. Ling. and Scarletina Eka Vidyayani, M.Hum., (members), made a collaborative visit to Nanyang Technological University on Tuesday (11/7/2023) and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia on Thursday (11/9/2023).

“The collaboration with Nanyang Technological University is an initial collaboration where, in 2024, an MoU will be signed with UB. Meanwhile, the collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is in the 4th year of the MoU with UB’s implementation of cooperation,” said the Chair of the SPEL’s Dokar team, Isti Purwaningtyas M.Pd.

According to her, the collaboration with the two universities projected to improve the quality of the curriculum to support UB’s internationalization programme. Moreover, developing the competence and capacity of teaching and research staff, especially joint publications, is expected to improve UB’s reputation internationally. Student exchange is also essential to the implementation of cooperation because student exchange or student mobility is important aspect of UB’s IKU internationalization.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Welcomed Delegates of SPEL

“It is also hoped that this cooperation initiation meeting will become wider opportunity for lecturers at the SPEL FCS UB to be able to work and compete globally, as well as to have more significant impact on the development of knowledge internationally,” she said.

Isti hoped that this collaboration can increase UB’s Main Performance Index (IKU), such as internationally indexed Scientific Publications, Joint Research, Student Exchanges, Joint International Scientific Conferences, and Sending Lecturers for further studies at Nanyang Technological University and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.

This collaboration with Nanyang Technological University and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia is a new starting point for building professional networks and collaboration between lecturers and students more efficiently and closely. The partnership can be implemented by SPEL specifically and by FCS or UB generally. [trans.dts/ed.vidya/PR FCS]