The Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is making various preparations to face the international accreditation of AQAS (Agentur für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von Studiengängen e.V.). One of them is improving and perfecting the websites of faculties and study programs. This effort is applied by holding an activity to Consolidate the Website of the Faculty and 10 Study Programs of FCS UB in Preparation for the 2022 AQAS Visitation on Thursday (1/13/2022).

The activity which was held offline in the Hall of Building A FCS UB and online through the Zoom Meeting platform was opened by the Deputy Dean of Student Affairs FCS UB, Ismatul Khasanah, M.Pd., M.Ed., Ph.D. The committee invited two professional speakers from State University (UM) Malang, namely Evynurul Laily Zen, M.A., Ph.D. who explains the Website Material, and Maria Hidayati, S.S., M.Pd. who presents the Supporting Data Material.

Evynurul Laily Zen gave various descriptions of the preparation of the website carried out by the UM Bastra Cluster Team. These steps include: (1) Observing the AQAS Guideline especially in Criterion 7 section of Public Information, (2) Conducting ‘informal’ Benchmarking Websites, (3) Examining the content and appearance of the websites of faculties and departments/study programs, and (4) Executing repair activities carried out collaboratively by the study program website team (executors) and the SER compilation team (data providers).

The UM Bastra Cluster Team also carried out several focus improvements to the website, which consisted of (1) Curriculum (ILO, Course, Handbook), (2) Lecturer and Staff Profiles, (3) KBK/Research Group, (4) Ensuring various links are linked is correct/appropriate, and (5) Updating student content (e.g., activities, achievements, scholarships).

Maria Hidayati explained that during the visit, each study program had to prepare a Live Streaming VCT (Virtual Campus Tour) or Video Profile because the assessor would want to know how the campus, faculty, and study program physically looked like. When conducting Live Streaming VCT, each study program must prepare a narrator, written or unwritten narration, facilities and detailed explanations, and technicians who can build chemistry with the narrator, along with the tools of the live streaming. [DTS/MSH/PR FCS]