BPJ Profile
Journal Publishing Unit (Badan Penerbitan Jurnal, BPJ) FIB UB was established on August 25, 2016 based on the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya No. 52 of 2016. The Foundation for the Establishment of BPJ FIB is Decree of the Rector of Universitas Brawijaya No. 20 of 2016 concerning on Organizational Structure and Work Arrangement which is a derivation of Ministerial Regulation No. 4 of 2016 concerning on Organization and Work Procedure of Universitas Brawijaya.
At the Faculty level, the Journal Publishing Unit is a unit that operates directly under the supervision of Dean and Deputy Dean 1 for Academic Affairs. BPJ is established to support and develop the strengths of the Faculty as in the Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, specified on the point: “Lecturers’ publication of scientific papers in conferences and scientific journals have reached national and international scale “. In order to develop the aforementioned strength of the Faculty, BPJ works by implementing a program of Fostering the dissemination of Quality and Quantity of Research and Community Service, focusing in the field of journal development and lecturers’ publications.
Through this foundation, BPJ as a supporting board of the Faculty that is responsible to the Dean, functions to encourage scientific journal publishing activities of lecturers and students, and to organize the publishing activities of journals in the Faculty of Cultural Studies. The organizational structure of BPJ consists of a chairperson, a secretary and a member who is appointed and discharged by the Dean for a term of 2 (two) years.
The Responsibilities of BPJ
BPJ has the following general responsibilities:
1) Providing and organizing training of composing scientific publications;
2) Collecting and selecting the scientific work of lecturers and students for the purpose of publication;
3) Periodically publishing lecturers’ and students’ scientific works in the form of journals and other forms of publication;
4) Providing periodic reports to the Dean.
In addition, the specific responsibilities of BPJ are as follow:
- Organizing a training of composing articles for scientific publications;
- Facilitating ISSN, ISBN, journal accreditation, and journal development management;
- Periodically publishing lecturers’ scientific work in the form of journals or other forms of publication;
- Managing a periodic monitoring and evaluation of journal publications; and
- Providing periodic reports to the Dean.
Organization of BPJ
BPJ is a unit that operates under the supervision of the Dean and Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs that has the main goal of realizing the Faculty’s Strategic Plan in relation to the publication of scientific work of both research and community service conducted by lecturers within the Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya. This unit is in charge of 5 (five) journals of the Faculty of Cultural Studies, namely:
- Studi Budaya Nusantara Journal (published by Department of Anthropology and Fine Arts),
- Hasta Wiyata Journal (published by Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program),
- Alphabet Journal (published by Study Program of English),
- EducaFL Journal (published by English Education Study Program),
- Budaya Journal (published by Department of Language and Literature).
And 2 (two) student jurnals:
- Kusa Lawa Journal (published by Department of Anthropology and Fine Arts)
- Unfold Journal (published by English Education Study Program)
BPJ Management Structure
BPJ operates under the supervision and trustee of:
1) The Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Studies
2) The Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs, Faculty of Cultural Studies
At the Faculty level, BPJ is led by a chairperson assisted by a secretary and a member. BPJ supervises and coordinates directly with all of the journal managers in the Faculty of Cultural Studies, with the following arrangement:
Chairperson : Scarletina Vidyayani Eka, M.Hum.
Member : Agus Gozali, M.Li.
BPJ Evaluation
BPJ conducts an evaluation in the form of:
- Regular meetings as an act of supervision of journals in FIB
BPJ invites journal organizers in regular meetings with the agendas of program socialization, journal management and accreditation assistance, and also monitoring and evaluation of the periodical publication.
- BPJ routine meetings
It is an internal BPJ meeting to ensure that each work program is carried out properly as it is planned.
- Regular reports to the Dean and Deputy Dean I for Academic Affairs
BPJ reports the accomplishment of all of its work programs to the Dean, especially through periodic structural meetings.
Peraturan Rektor Universitas Brawijaya Nomor 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Susunan Organisasi Dan Tata Kerja (Pasal 64-65)
Peraturan Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya
Universitas Brawijaya Nomor 1 Tahun 2017 (Pasal 36-37)