Pengenalan Perguruan Tinggi ke SMA Negeri 2 Trenggalek di FIB UB

Faculty of Cultural Sciences (FIB) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) received a visit from SMA Negeri 2 Trenggalek on Monday (1/6/2024). This visit aims to introduce college, especially at FCS UB. Attended by 100 students of class XI and accompanied by six teachers, the event was guided by the FCS Ambassador as the host.

“We would like to welcome and thank you for visiting FCS UB. Hopefully, this visit will provide a lot of knowledge and insights for students who will become students next year. Hopefully, there will be those who study at FCS UB,” said Anik Afifah, S.Sos., Head of Administration, when giving a speech.

Ruli Sulistiani, S.Pd., M.Pd., as an SMA Negeri 2 Trenggalek representative, also expressed her gratitude and hope through this activity.

“We are very grateful for getting permission to visit here. Our purpose for coming here is to introduce a fairly large university where our children want to get to know UB more closely,” she said.

“Hopefully, after this visit, the children will get insight and an idea of what study program they want to go to. Hopefully, this activity will also motivate children to achieve their dreams of studying at UB,” she hoped.

Pengenalan Perguruan Tinggi ke SMA Negeri 2 Trenggalek di FIB UB


The event continued with the presentation of the primary material by Dr. Eti Setiawati, M.Pd., Head of the Study Programme of Indonesian Language and Literature, with moderator Jamila Wijayanti, M.Pd. In this material presentation, Dr. Eti explained an outline of FCS UB, which included study programs, domestic and foreign cooperation, accreditation, achievements, facilities, student activities, graduate profiles, scholarships, and so on.

After the presentation of the material, the event continued with a discussion and question and answer session. Some students actively asked questions. Fina asked about the quota of each study program, Aura Tirta asked about the passing grade, and Gisela asked about the tightness of entry in each study program at FCS UB.

The event ended with a quiz combined by the FCS Ambassador. This quiz session received a lively response from the participants, who enthusiastically scrambled to answer the questions. The students who successfully answered were given interesting merchandise from FCS UB. [dts/PR FCS]

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