PS Seni Rupa Murni FIB UB Gelar Art Workshop Sketching di Malaysia dalam Rangkaian Pameran Art on Postcard

The Art on Postcard exhibition organized by the Study Programme of Fine Arts (SPFA) of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in Malaysia was made even more lively by the holding of one of the featured events, the Art Workshop Sketching, on Monday (10/14/2024).

Guided by I Kadek Yudi Astawan, S.Sn., M.Sn., this workshop invited participants to dig deeper into fine art techniques with a unique approach. In two different locations, Universiti Malaya and City University Malaysia, the event was attended by around 70 participants.

The workshop focused on sketching techniques using small bamboo pens, which, according to Kadek, provide a more diverse line character than manufactured pens.

PS Seni Rupa Murni FIB UB Gelar Art Workshop Sketching di Malaysia dalam Rangkaian Pameran Art on Postcard

“The lines produced by small bamboo pens have more character. This is certainly different from the lines produced by the factory version of the pen, which generally produces monotonous, linear, and contour-like lines,” explains Kadek.

In this workshop, Kadek explained the basic techniques of using bamboo pens and directly demonstrated them to the participants. Afterward, the participants were allowed to practice the method with sketch studies of objects around them.

This technique opened up a new exploration space for many participants, who felt that bamboo pens provided a different sketching experience. Some participants even requested to bring bamboo pens to continue practicing outside the workshop.

PS Seni Rupa Murni FIB UB Gelar Art Workshop Sketching di Malaysia dalam Rangkaian Pameran Art on Postcard

Through this activity, Kadek hopes that participants can recognize the difference between mechanical and more expressive line techniques.

“I hope that the participants can understand the difference between technically and mechanically functioning lines, such as those in the field of architecture that are oriented towards finding a ‘way out’ of a challenge. Meanwhile, expressive sketching with a bamboo pen is more about self-knowledge, or finding the ‘way in’,” Kadek said.

“Unfortunately, many people are still burdened by the fear of making mistakes when drawing. So far, they have been too focused on the words ‘wrong’ and ‘right’ so that even to scratch a line, there is a fear that limits their creativity,” he concluded. [trans.acl/ed.dts/PR FCS]

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