SMA Negeri 4 Pasuruan held an inspiring school visit to the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB). The visit, attended by 150 students, teachers, and staff, filled the entire space of the Lobby Building A of FCS UB on Friday (18/01/2024). The visit began with an opening by Scarletina Vidyayani Eka, M.Hum., Head of PSIK FCS UB. Followed by remarks from representative of SMA Negeri 4 Pasuruan, Putut Cahyono, S.Pd., Deputy Head of Student Affairs.
“The purpose of our visit here is not only to see the UB campus, here we visit to gain knowledge and insight as well as opportunities for students who wish to enter UB, especially FCS UB,” said Putut.
“Those who are here are from grade 10 which is the first time we have held this creative industry visit program for them. Later in grade 12 there will be a program like this again so that they will have a bigger picture and insights for their goal after graduation,” he added.
The event continued with the handover of souvenirs, a group photo session, and FCS UB profile presentation by Isti Purwaningtyas, M.Pd., lecturer of the Study Programme of English Literature who discussed the study program, facilities, and programs offered by FCS UB.
After the presentation, the students were actively involved in the question-and-answer session. Various questions were asked such as the Double Degree program, student exchange, Merdeka Belajar curriculum, and so on. For students who actively ask questions and can answer quizzes, they are given souvenirs from FCS UB. In addition to active participants, for those who are also active in creating content on social media about the visit, they are also given souvenirs. [trans.adhyaksa/ed.vidya/PR FCS]