SP-ELE’s Dokar Team with the Head of Department and Professor at IIUM (Kulliyyah of Education)
Study Programme of English Language Education (SP-ELE), Department of Language Education, Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is one of the new study programmes that was established in 2014 and has the potential to develop optimally. With a strictness ratio of 1:6, the SP-ELE has quite good competitiveness.
Hereafter, the SP-ELE will undergo an AQAS international accreditation visitation in February 2023. One thing that needs to be improved is international cooperation and its implementation to improve study programmes’ quality and bargaining power. Therefore, the SP-ELE establishes international collaboration through the lecturer work programme, Dosen Berkarya (Dokar) Programme, on 19-27 November 2022 in Malaysia.
SP-ELE’s Dokar Team at the Faculty of Education UiTM
The aim of the study programme to collaborate with agreed partners is to increase opportunities for internationalization. One of the efforts is visiting lecturers by dispatching SP-ELE’s lecturers to teach at partner universities, namely the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) at the Faculty of Language and Management (Kulliyyah of Language and Management) and the Faculty of Education (Kulliyyah of Education), and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) in Malaysia at the Faculty of Education.
“This activity is also useful for supporting Key Performance Indicators or Indikator Kinerja Utama (IKU or Key Performance Indicators) for Lecturer’s Off-Campus Activities and also IKU for Study Programmes in Collaboration with International Partners,” explained Dr. Ive Emaliana, the Head of SP-ELE.
SP-ELE’s Dokar Team with the Dean, Vice Dean of Academic and Student Affairs at the Faculty of Languages and The Management (Kulliyyah of Language and Management) of IIUM
“The plan is that, in 2023, joint teaching will be held with KLM IIUM for the Introduction to Research Method and English Phonetics and Phonology courses,” she continued.
“Moreover, there will be an agreement to conduct joint research and joint publications on topics regarding intercultural communicative competence and digital citizenship in connection with teaching English which is also open for several other topics. In addition, IIUM, UiTM, and UB will exchange reviewers for journals,” she added.
This collaboration will also target other activities that support the achievement of IKU 2, namely Students’ Off-Campus Activities through a student exchange programme that also supports IKU for inbound students and outbound students which will be held in the even semester of 2023.
“As many as four to six SP-ELE students are planned to study at IIUM, and the same number of IIUM students will study at UB for a semester for the learning experience and cultural immersion,” Dr. Ive Emaliana concluded. [dts/aaz/PR FCS]