Friday (1/3/2024) became one of the historic days for the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) at the beginning of 2025. On this day, there were two main activities, namely the Inauguration Ceremony of the first Professor at FCS UB, Prof. Dr. Sony Sukmawan, S.Pd., M.Pd., and the Closing of the 15th Anniversary of FCS UB. Held in the Hall of FCS Building A, 2nd Floor, the event was attended by all lecturers, education staff, and guests.
“Alhamdulillah, today we are allowed to meet and gather at the beginning of this new year, especially in the event of Professor Inauguration and Closing of the 15th Anniversary of FCS UB,” said Hamamah, Ph.D., Dean of FCS UB, in her speech.
“First, I wish you a Happy New Year 2025. It also coincides with Friday’s blessing,” she continued.
“We want to say congratulations and the highest appreciation to Prof. Dr. Sony Sukmawan, S.Pd., M.Pd. Alhamdulillah, finally, FCS UB ‘broke the egg,’ having the first professor. It is a proud achievement for all of us. Hopefully, with his inauguration as a professor, FCS can contribute more to the academic and research fields,” she added.
On this occasion, Hamamah, Ph.D., also expressed her gratitude to the entire academic community of FCS UB, who have contributed and worked hard for the progress of FCS UB, with the hope that in the future, FCS UB will shine and prosper.
Not to mention, Hamamah, Ph.D., also congratulated the lecturers who had completed their studies and prayed for the lecturers who were struggling or going to the exam and were in the process so that it would be easy and smooth.
“Then, the second event is the closing of the anniversary series. In 2024, thank God, FCS UB reached 15, still a teenager. Teenagers usually like to explore. Let’s explore more so that we have more dignity in the eyes of the university and nationally. Let’s close the door of 2024 and welcome 2025 with happiness,” she said.
The next event was giving impressions of messages by Prof. Dr. Sony Sukmawan, S.Pd., M.Pd. On this occasion, Prof. Sony sang the Macapat Dhandhanggula song, which has the following lyrics:
“Lamun sira anggeguru kaki
Amiliha manungsa kang nyata
Ingkang becik martabate
Sarta kang wruh ing kukum
Kang ibadah lan kang wirangi
Sukur oleh wong tapa
Ingkang wus amungkur
Tan mikir papwewehing liyan
Iku pantes sira guronana kaki
Sartane kawruhana”
This song has the interpretation, “If you want to take a teacher, take a man who is right and justifies you, who maintains the goodness of his dignity, because of the law he becomes a man of obedience and faith. He always worships without reducing his humility, it is better if your teacher is always humble, who is full but he is bowed, with that he will teach you selflessly, that is the case that you deserve to be a teacher because with him brings knowledge that you do not know.” (source: -ed)
After singing the Macapat Dhandhanggula, Prof. Sony read a beautiful poem that motivated the FCS UB academic community.
In addition to the main event, FCS UB also prepared several other events. Starting with the handover of souvenirs to the past GJM chairman, Dian Novita Dewi, S.Pd., M.Li., Awarding for Outstanding Education Personnel, as well as giving a surprise to the Dean of FCS UB, whose birthday is precisely today when the event is held.
The event was closed with hospitality and a door prize drawing, and all participants received attractive prizes from FCS UB. [dts/PR FCS]