Welcoming PUK’s Internship Programme Students, Japan, by the Dean and Officials of FCS UB
The Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), welcomed four students from Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. The students, ASADA Shinsuke, KAMISASANUKI Rin, TANAKA Yuri, TAMANAGA Aoi are from the Prefectural University of Kumamoto (PUK). Accompanied by Prof. AKIHA Takako, they carried out an Internship Programme in the Study Programme of Japanese Language Education (SPJLE), FCS UB, starting from Tuesday (11/14/2023) to Tuesday (11/21/2023).
This activity was an implementation of bilateral collaboration between FCS UB and PUK Japan. An SPJLE lecturer, Rike Febriyanti, S.Pd., M.A., stated that this activity has been running for nine years.
PUK Students Carried Out Teaching Practices
“This internship programme has been running since 2014. Every year, PUK students carry out an FCS UB internship programme. The activity they do is teaching Japanese to students of the SPJLE at FCS UB,” she said.
For eight days, the four students had engaged in intensive learning activities, shared cultural experiences and established relationships with FCS UB students. The teaching practice also meant to be cultural exchange to enrich their cultural understanding.
Reflection with the Course Lecturer to Get Feedback
There were several classes for their teaching practice, including Jokyu Chokai I (Advanced Listening), Jokyu Kaiwa I (Advanced Conversation), and Chukyu Kaiwa I (Intermediate Conversation). In the classroom, they taught theories on Japanese Language and gave quizzes, assignments, and practice. After every teaching practice in class, they were required to reflect on the course to get feedback from the lecturer.
Prof. AKIHA Takako Provided Research Sharing to SPJLE’s Lecturers
Moreover, they participated in cultural exchange activities with SPJLE students and high school students around Malang Raya through SPJLE Tabunka Kouryuu event on Saturday-Sunday (11/18-19/2023). Meanwhile, Prof. AKIHA Takako presented research sharing to SPJLE lecturers on Friday (11/17/2023).
This collaboration had not only created opportunities for Japanese students to hone their teaching skills in an international environment but also provided valuable experience for FCS UB students to learn directly from Japanese native speakers. [trans.dts/ed.vidya/PR FCS]