Admission Pathways

Registration of prospective new students for Faculty of Cultural Studies, Universitas Brawijaya has four admission pathways. The four admission pathways include:

  1. Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN), the National Entrance Selection of State Universities, can be accessed through SNMPTN;
  2. Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN), the Joint Entrance Selection of State Universities, can be accessed through SBMPTN;
  3. Seleksi Mandiri Universitas Brawijaya (SMUB), an internal entrance selection held by Universitas Brawijaya, can accessed through SMUB;
  4. Seleksi Mandiri Penyandang Disabilitas (SMPD), part of SMUB specifically for persons with disabilities,, can be accessed through SMPD.


SNMPTN is a joint invitational selection of new student admissions for all state universities in Indonesia. The selection is carried out simultaneously in all state universities in the territory of Indonesia. Students who apply for the SNMPTN pathway are selected based on the results of academic achievement. Prospective students will be selected based on their 5th semester SMA/MA/SMK report cards, national exam scores, academic achievements, alumni tracks, and school accreditation. Prospective students do not need to take a written test. This admission pathway has a quota of 20% for each study program. For account registration and further information can be accessed on the LTMPT page.

SBMPTN is a joint selection of new student admissions at all state universities in Indonesia. This admission pathway has a quota of 40% for each study program. This selection based on a written test using the results of Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer (UTBK) or the Computer-Based Written Examination has determined by the PTN or state universities. The SBMPTN uses the results of the UTBK starting in 2019. UTBK conducted by the institution that administers the test for universities, namely the LTMPT (Lembaga Tes Masuk Perguruan Tinggi), University Entrance Test Institute. For UTBK account registration and further information can be accessed on the LTMPT page.

SMUB (Seleksi Mandiri Universitas Brawiaya) is a selection of new student admissions organized by Universitas Brawijaya. This selection uses two admission pathways through report cards and the results of the UTBK (Ujian Tulis Berbasis Komputer), Computer-Based Written Examination. SMUB has a quota of 30% for each study program. SMUB also has an admission pathway called SPKPD (Seleksi Program Khusus Penyandang Disabilitas), the Selection for Special Programs for Persons with Disabilities, or SMPD (Seleksi Mandiri Penyandang Disabilitas), the Independent Selection for Persons with Disabilities, through report cards and the results of the UTBK. Further information can be accessed on the