MATABARA Vol.1 2024: Emergency Response to Volcanic Eruption

The Ministry of Social and Environment Affairs of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a MATABARA Seminar (Student Disaster Response and First Aid) on Saturday (03/30/2024). The seminar was held in B-2.10 room of the B Building FCS UB. In this seminar, participants were given information about disaster response during a volcanic eruption. In addition to volcanic eruptions, the speaker also discussed a little about earthquakes that have recently occurred frequently in the city of Malang.

Indonesia is a country surrounded by volcanoes (Ring of Fire) with 29 active mountains. Volcanic eruptions were recorded to be the cause of devastating natural disasters in Indonesia. Some volcanic eruptions have not only affected the territory of Indonesia, but also other continents.

Catastrophic volcanic eruptions that occurred in Indonesia include Mount Toba, Mount Tambora, and Mount Krakatau. As Indonesian citizens, we must raise awareness of the importance of knowing how to act in the midst of natural disasters. Therefore, it is necessary to educate the public about natural disaster response and first aid.

This seminar was presented by representatives of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Malang. Dian Christanto and the team from Regional Disaster Management Agency Malang conveyed the right steps to deal with volcanic eruptions. The speakers informed several important things, such as the status of volcanic hazards, efforts to reduce disaster risk, primary and secondary hazards of volcanic eruptions, how to protect yourself, and what to do before an eruption and during an eruption.

The next session was a practice on evacuation during a volcanic eruption. The speaker explained about actions to take when an eruption occurs and first aid procedures for evacuating disaster victims.

This MATABARA seminar was attended by more than 50 participants with high enthusiasm. Seminar participants followed the presentation of the material well and were willing to cooperate with the presenters in the practice of evacuating victims of natural disasters. The MATABARA Vol. 1 seminar received many positive responses from public. [trans.acl/ed.vidya/PR FCS]