Serah Terima Omikoshi dari Konsulat Jenderal Jepang dan Komunitas Mikoshiren Jakarta kepada Universitas Brawijaya

The co-working space of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Library was filled with students from the Japanese Literature and Japanese Language Education Study Programs of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) UB. They were there to witness the Omikoshi handover from the Consulate General of Japan to UB. This event took place on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.

Omikoshi is a central icon of Japanese folk festivals, represented by miniature shrines symbolizing the best vehicle for Shinto deities, typically carried and paraded around the village or from one shrine to another.

The event was attended by prominent figures including the Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Internationalization, Andi Kurniawan, S.Pi, M.Eng.D.Sc.; Dean of FCS UB, Hamamah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D.; Consulate General of Japan in Surabaya, Takeyama Kenichi; Young Consul of Japan, Nakagome Kota; representative of the Mikoshiren Jakarta community, Toshio Amagasa; Director of the Directorate of Student Affairs, Dr. Sujarwo, S.P., M.P.; Head of UB Library, Dr. Iwan Permadi, S.H., M.Hum.; Vice Dean for General Affairs, Finance, and Resources of FCS UB, Nanang Endrayanto, M.Sc.; Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Student Entrepreneurship of FCS UB, Dr. Aji Setyanto, S.S., M.Litt.; Head of Japanese Language Education Study Program at FCS UB, Dr. Sri Aju Indrowaty, M.Pd.; and Head of Japanese Literature Study Program at FCS UB, Santi Andayani, M.A.

The event commenced with the national anthem, Indonesia Raya, followed by remarks from the Consulate General of Japan in Surabaya, Takeyama Kenichi. He expressed gratitude for UB’s cooperation and explained the significance of the Omikoshi gift.

“UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia, known for its achievements and high-quality faculty. The Japanese Literature and Japanese Language Education study programs are exemplary, evidenced by the presence of native Japanese lecturers. Therefore, I believe UB is the ideal institution to receive the Omikoshi, symbolizing the friendship between Indonesia and Japan,” said Takeyama Kenichi.

He further elaborated on the cultural importance of Omikoshi in Japan.

“During seasonal transitions, especially in the fall, Japanese people hold matsuri festivals to express gratitude for a good harvest and to wish for a disaster-free future. Omikoshi plays a vital role in these celebrations and has been cherished for generations,” he added.

In conclusion, he expressed his hope that the Omikoshi gift would strengthen the relationship between Japan and UB.

“I hope this Omikoshi will become a symbol of friendship between Japan and Indonesia, especially UB,” he concluded.

Next, Toshio Amagasa, a representative of Mikoshiren Jakarta, addressed the students.

“Students, please cherish this Omikoshi. It embodies not just a physical form but also the essence of Japanese culture. Many universities in Indonesia, but only UB, have this Omikoshi,” he remarked warmly.

He also extended an invitation for future festivals.

“This year, if there is a festival, please invite me. I will definitely come,” he said, receiving applause from the students.

The Vice Rector for Planning, Cooperation, and Internationalization, Andi Kurniawan, S.Pi, M.Eng.D.Sc., then spoke.

“Today, what is handed over to UB is not just a physical object but a symbol of friendship. This Omikoshi, entrusted to us, represents trust in cultural integration,” he said.

“On behalf of all elements at UB, we accept this gift with deep gratitude, open arms, and view it as a link in the chain of cultural unity.”

The event concluded with a symbolic handover of the Omikoshi by the Consulate General of Japan and representatives of the Mikoshiren community to UB. [trans.acl/ed.vidya/PR FCS]