Kesuksesan El Patron 2024: Kompetisi Pendidikan Inovatif di FIB UB

The Study Programme of English Language Education (SPELE) at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), successfully organised a competition titled “EL PATRON 2024” with the theme “Eduscape: Nurturing Growth in Education.” This event is part of the HSC series held by FCS UB, aimed at encouraging innovation and growth in education.

El Patron featured five competitions: educational speech, teaching media and innovation, micro-teaching, educational digital poster, and educational essay writing. The competitions ran from April to May 2024 and attracted participants from various universities across Indonesia.

Each competition category at El Patron 2024 was designed to challenge and inspire participants to create innovative and impactful work in education. For instance, in the educational speech competition, participants presented their ideas on new ways to support the growth of education in the digital age. Meanwhile, in the micro-teaching competition, participants demonstrated their ability to teach in the classroom using creative and effective methods.

The success of El Patron 2024 was due to the hard work and dedication of the organising committee and the support of FCS UB. The competition created an inspiring atmosphere and supported the professional growth of the participants, aligning with the theme “Eduscape: Nurturing Growth in Education.”

Agus Gozali, HSC PIC from the SPELE, noted the high enthusiasm of participants in El Patron. “The enthusiasm from SPELE is very high. This year, the number of participants increased to 136 from only 45 last year. Interestingly, many participants came from various universities across Indonesia,” he said.

Agus added that El Patron aims to promote and introduce technology in education and teaching. The competition was designed to present learning methods that are engaging and relevant to the digital era. “We are trying to introduce teaching methods that are not boring, because in the digital era, we can learn through various media, not only in class,” he added.

The execution of El Patron 2024 is clear evidence of FCS UB’s commitment to supporting innovation and the quality of education in Indonesia. It is hoped that through this event, the spirit of innovation in education will continue to grow and have a positive impact on the development of education in the country. [trans.adhyaksa/ FCS]