Salma (Right) with the Dean of FCS UB (2017-2021 Period)

Many foreign students are now interested in deepening their knowledge at Universitas Brawijaya (UB). They choose UB as a place to gain knowledge because UB is one of the best universities in Indonesia.

Salma Tarek Eid commonly called Salma now is a semester-one student in the Doctoral Program in Administrative Sciences at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FAS) UB. Salma is one of the 2019 Indonesian Darmasiswa Program (DRI) alumni from Egypt. For a year, she studied BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) and Indonesian culture at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) UB with nine other foreign students, from the United States, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, and the Czech Republic.

The beginning of her interest and then deciding to continue her doctorate at UB began when she studied as a DRI student at FCS UB. The experiences while studying at FCS UB make her feel comfortable and easy to learn Indonesian as well as its rich culture. Since then, she has aspired to continue her doctoral studies at UB.

When contacted via zoom, Salma, who is now quite fluent in Indonesian, is still in Egypt. She then said that she was an alumnus of S1 and S2 from Cairo University with a concentration in Law. For her, taking the doctoral degree is a desire that must be realized. So, when she finished being a DRI student, she then established herself to continue her doctorate at UB. She also admitted that since returning from Indonesia, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she had never been to Indonesia again. Moreover, all lectures are still carried out online from Egypt.

Salma in front of the Pyramids

“After I finished participating in the 2019 DRI program at FCS UB, then I looked for information so that I could continue my doctorate at UB. At that time, it was a pandemic, but because of a strong desire, I happened to be together with three of my friends, namely Grady from the United States, and Wafa from Tunisia, apparently having the same desire to continue our education at UB. Grady took a master’s degree in linguistics at FCS UB, Wafa a Master’s degree in Computer Science, FILKOM UB, and myself at S3 FAS UB. After returning to Egypt, I was declared accepted at UB. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I haven’t been to Indonesia, so lectures are still being held online from Egypt,” she said via Zoom.

When asked the reason for choosing to study for a doctoral degree at UB, she explained that since knowing Indonesia, she has been very impressed. During a year of learning about the Indonesian language and culture, she was amazed by the hospitality and beauty of Indonesia. In addition, Malang made her feel at home and felt safe so that when she decided to continue her doctorate, she received support from her family in Egypt.

“When I decided to continue my doctoral program at UB and also talked a lot with my family about Indonesia, the hospitality and beauty of Indonesia, then about the UB campus such as the friendliness of the lecturers, fellow students, and their services, my family in Egypt was very supportive. Especially when it is stated that I have been accepted as a doctoral student in UB, I feel like a dream,” she said.

Regarding her hopes with the ongoing pandemic situation. Salma, who is currently still in Egypt, hopes that the pandemic situation will end soon. She wants to be able to move on campus as soon as possible, like when she joined the DRI program last year. She can meet and discuss with lecturers and friends in UB, and enjoy culture, tourism, and culinary in Malang. [DTS/MSH/PR FCS]