Carya Budaya Vol.1: Simbol Persahabatan BEM FPBS UPI dan BEM FIB UB 

Two student associations with different cultural backgrounds, the Student Executive Board (BEM) of the Faculty of Language and Arts Education (FPBS) at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) and the BEM of the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) at Universitas Brawijaya (UB), united in the spirit of togetherness through an event entitled “Carya Budaya Vol.1.”

BEM FPBS UPI from Bandung traveled to Malang to exchange experiences and aspirations with BEM FCS UB. Not only BEM administrators but also lecturers and educational staff from both faculties were present. The event was held in the Hall of Building B, FCS UB, on Friday, May 17, 2024.

The event opened with the singing of the national anthem, Indonesia Raya, followed by remarks from the head of the Lecturer and Student Self-Management Service Unit, Maulfi Syaiful Rizal, M.Pd. He welcomed the BEM administrators and FPBS UPI lecturers, expressing his hope that collaboration between BEM FIB UB and BEM FPBS UPI could continue and expand into other fields.

Representatives of FPBS UPI lecturers also had the opportunity to deliver remarks. In her speech, Prof. Dr. Retty Isnendes, M.Hum., expressed her gratitude to FCS UB for the warm welcome and willingness to share experiences and knowledge. She introduced the representatives of FPBS UPI lecturers and students participating in Carya Budaya Vol. 1 to the FCS UB representatives present. She shared the Sundanese philosophy: Nyiar luang ti papada luang (Learn from books), Neangan luang ti papada urang (Learn from people’s experiences), Nemu luang tina burang (Learn from mistakes and suffering). She hoped that the students from both faculties could learn from and benefit each other.

Prof. Retty closed her speech with a quatrain, or pantun, which was greeted with great excitement by the students.

Next, it was the turn of FCS UB student representatives to speak. The President of BEM FCS UB, Ahmad Royyan Abdul Ghoni, welcomed the FPBS UPI representatives.

“Through this event, Carya Budaya, which means Friends of Culture, we hope that our good relationship will not end here. As friends and in culture, may we always work together,” Royyan said.

Not long after, the Head of BEM FPBS UPI thanked FCS UB for the welcome and expressed enthusiasm for future collaboration.

The next event was the exchange of souvenirs from each party and a group photo session.

After the photo session, the lecturers and educational staff of FPBS UPI and FCS UB moved to the Meeting Room on the 1st floor of Building B to discuss academic collaboration plans, including joint research, journals, international seminars, and more. Meanwhile, the students remained in the hall to present their respective grand designs and enjoy cohesion-building games.

With the series of events that took place, “Carya Budaya Vol.1” successfully brought together two student associations in the spirit of collaboration. The exchange of experiences and knowledge between students, lecturers, and educational personnel from both faculties not only strengthened the relationship between institutions but also opened up opportunities for broader academic cooperation in the future.

This activity is expected to create sustainable synergies, enrich cultural insights, and strengthen friendships between students, lecturers, and educational staff. Hopefully, this event will mark the beginning of a larger and more diverse collaboration, yielding real benefits for all parties involved. [trans.acl/ed.vidya/PR FCS]