Two students from the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Egi Nur Lathifah and Mezza Deswatik successfully passed the Online TANDEM programme at Busan University of Foreign Studies (BUFS), South Korea, from May to June 2023. They both come from the same study programme of the English Language Education class of 2021.

They said that the preparation to register for the BUFS programme were not easy to do, due to the minimum information from the university (BUFS) regarding the terms and conditions they had to fulfil. But that certainly did not stop them from being able to take part in the TANDEM BUFS 2023 Online programme.

“Before registering, I checked my Korean language ability first. Even though the Korean language certificate was not mandatory, I still checked my language ability on the official Korean language website,” said Egi.

Meanwhile, Ezza explained that in her preparation, she maximized her knowledge, tried to build good communication with experts and alumni, and tried to become the best candidate by honing her skills and experience.

“When I was preparing to register for this programme, I faced several obstacles and difficulties. One of the obstacles was the lack of resources and information about the programme’s requirements and application process. However, I overcame this by seeking information from various sources and consulted with alumni of this programme,” explained Ezza.

“I also prepared by honing my English skills, taking TOEFL-TOPIC preparation courses, and learning about Korean culture and history. I also strengthened my CV by pointing out my active participation on extracurricular activities that suit my interests and talents, as well as stating my experience in related fields,” she continued.

Apart from conveying her struggles in the registration process, Mezza also conveyed tips for students who wish to register in various student exchange programmes or other scholarship programmes.

“Make sure that you meet all the requirements requested by the programme you register for. Always double-check the files you send to make sure they are complete and as requested. Then, write a strong and original essay or motivation. Don’t just write about general things that are widely known, but try to explain in detail why you deserve to get the scholarship and how the programme will help you achieve your career goals,” she explained.

“Furthermore, don’t be afraid to look for more information about the programme you want. Find out the alumni of the programme, what projects are being carried out, and whether there are opportunities to do internships or work in affiliated companies,” she added.

“Finally, don’t give up if you don’t succeed right away on the first try. Keep the spirit and keep trying to improve yourself. Don’t forget to ask for help from those closest to you in the scholarship application process,” she explained.

Through this programme, Mezza and Egi also expressed their hopes as awardees.

Egi with Jeon Su Beom (BUFS Student) during a Video Call Session


“Because this is a rare opportunity for me and since I was little, I have been interested in language learning and culture, especially Korean, I hope that this programme can help me achieve my goals, gain experience in the field that I am interested in, and can improve collaboration, professionally within the scope of the university, faculty, study programme, or personally,” said Egi.

Ezza added, “I hope to help improve the quality of cooperation between UB and BUFS, as well as to build a strong international network in the academic and professional fields in the future, and can broaden my insights about Korean culture and language through this programme. Of course, this will help me in my future international career.”

“Moreover, being able to build valuable networks and connections with students from all over the world, I also hope to introduce UB to students from around the world and strengthen the relationship between the two universities. I am sure that an exchange programme like this can provide long-term benefits for both universities and also for the global community at large,” she concluded.

Online TANDEM is an online student exchange programme organized by BUFS, South Korea, with partner universities, spreading across several countries, especially in the Asian region. In its implementation, Online TANDEM aims to attract interest and increase participation in student exchange programmes by offering language and cultural programmes to prospective students who will be sent or invited as well as encouraging language and cultural learning skills independently.

Online TANDEM Registration only lasted for seven days, which starts on Friday (4/21/2023) and ends on Friday (4/28/2023). Meanwhile, for the implementation itself, the study period for the Online TANDEM programme lasted about a month, starting from 1 May 2023 to 1 June 2023.

The target parties of this programme are students from partner universities. BUFS accepts a maximum of five students each from partner university. The grantees take an online study period at BUFS and become buddy for BUFS students at partner universities.

Through this programme, BUFS does not only offer opportunities for students to study at BUFS but also provides them e-certificates. [trans.dts/ed.vidya/PR FCS]