FIB UB Inisiasi Kerja Sama Penelitian Digital Humanities dengan Ritsumeikan University

As part of the Dosen Berkarya (Dokar) program, lecturers from the Japanese Literature Study Programme (SPJL) at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a meeting with Ritsumeikan University on Thursday (9/11/2023). This meeting aimed to initiate research cooperation on digital humanities and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Digital humanities is an interdisciplinary field that combines humanities disciplines, such as literature, linguistics, and communication studies, with computer and digital sciences. The goal is to explore the use of digital tools in various aspects of the humanities.

The broader objective of the meeting and the initiation of cooperation with Ritsumeikan University was to learn about Ritsumeikan’s programs related to digital humanities and AI. Following this, FCS UB plans to engage in discussions with Ritsumeikan University to explore potential areas of collaboration.

During the visit, SPJL FCS UB lecturers gained insights into the digitisation processes implemented by Ritsumeikan University. The Director of Digital Humanities at Ritsumeikan University provided a comprehensive overview of the standing process and the complete step-by-step digitisation procedure.

To ensure a thorough understanding, Ritsumeikan University demonstrated the review process necessary for implementing digitisation. This included reviewing the production room, the shooting room, the process of checking the documentation results, and showcasing the final digitisation outputs. [trans.adhyaksa/ed.vidya/PR FCS]