Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held Public Speaking and MC Training for Education Personnel on Wednesday (8/3/2022). The event which was held in the Hall of Building A FCS UB invited Sri Sunarmi, S.Sos., M.M., Head of Administration and Protocol Subdivision UB, as a speaker and 16 selected education personnel as participants. The Dean; Deputy Dean for General Affairs, Finance, and Resources; and the Head of Administration of FCS UB also attended the event.

“Now we are PTNBH. Therefore, we have scheduled staff upgrading activities. Education personnel must update the latest information to find out new things and improve themselves to be able to achieve excellent service. With excellent service, academic service activities and cooperation will be achieved well,” said Hamamah, Ph.D., the Dean of FCS.

“In addition, the staff is also scheduled to study English and Korean, because the guests who visit FCS UB come from foreign countries, so it is related to language competence,” she added.

“Hopefully, the training today is useful for all of us,” she hoped.

The training was started with an introduction to protocol, the introduction of the Rector’s Regulation No. 57 of 2022, public speaking, and presenter/MC. The training was held face-to-face (offline). The training was divided into several sessions according to the material. In each session, there were an interactive question and answer session. Participants also practiced what they have learned as a Master of Ceremony at the end of the event. [dts/msh/PR FCS]