Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has a new dean, which was introduced on Thursday (28/12/17) to the entire civitas academica of FCS-UB.

The event was opened by the Head of Academic and Student Affairs Division of FCS-UB, Achmad Ruslan Hariyono, SP. It was attended by Vice Dean I (Syariful Muttaqin, MA), Vice Dean II (Prof. Dr. Ni Wayan Surya Wardhani, MS), Vice Dean III (M. Andhy Nurmansyah, M.Hum.), Head and Secretary of Department of Languages and Literature, Heads of Study Program, Head of Public Services FCS-UB, Lecturers, Staff, and students of FCS-UB.

The event was opened by a welcome speech from the elected Dean of FCS-UB, Prof. Dr. Agus Suman, SE., DEA. In his speech, he conveyed his hope to get better future for FCS-UB. “Every new leader brings hopes and improvements, and for me, something that is already good must be continued. However, we need to improve FCS to be even better in the future. Therefore, I need the support and assistance of all civitas academica of FCS-UB,” said Prof. Dr. Agus Suman, SE., DEA.

Apart of that, three main pillars can be a reference in developing FCS-UB in the future as follows:

  • Dignity

It means how FCS-UB in the future becomes a reputable institution as seen in its accreditation and publication in terms of books, journals, and scientific papers. Prof. Dr. Agus Suman, SE., DEA. also said, “I hope that FCS-UB can contribute to the university in accordance with the expectations of Rector of UB. Therefore, let us prepare as early as possible for the accreditation of study programs.”

  • Prosperity

Prosperity means the way to improve lecturers and staffs’ wellfare. For example, by raising the cluster of FCS-UB’s remuneration. In addition, FCS can also utilize Language Division maximally and establish cooperation with PPKID in the field of translation.

  • FCS-UB as the Art and Culture Center

It is hoped that FCS can contribute in the field of art to Universitas Brawijaya, for example by creating Nusantara Dance.

Prof. Dr. Agus Suman, SE., DEA. closed his speech by asking everybody to make FCS-UB better. He hoped, “I need your support, assistance, and cooperation so that we can achieve this goal. This is our work for the next four years. We try as much as possible so that FCS-UB can be more advanced. I hope in the next four years, FCS-UB also has professors”.

The event continued by cutting the tumpeng, which was handed to the Head of Japanese Literature Study Program, which just got A for its accreditation. [DT/MSH/PSIK FIB]

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