Laterals Research Group of Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) and the Nation’s Unity and Politics Board of Mojokerto City discussed collaboration on the 2024 election at Building B of the FCS UB on Wednesday (10/3/2023). The meeting was attended by representatives from the Nation’s Unity and Politics Board of Mojokerto City, received by the Dean of FCS UB, Hamamah, Ph.D., Vice Dean for General Affairs, Finance, and Resource, Nanang Endrayanto, M.Sc., and Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Aji Setyanto, M.Lit.

Hamamah, Ph.D., expressed her enthusiasm for the collaboration plan to be implemented by both parties. Although this was a new initiation, she hoped that the partnership between FCS and Nation’s Unity and Politics Board of Mojokerto City could continue in the future.

Representing the Head of the Nation’s Unity and Politics Board of Mojokerto City, the Head of the Domestic Politics and Mass Organization Division, Adam Pranajaya, S.E., stated that the Board greatly needed this cooperation because this was the Board’s central working program in 2023. This cooperation would include several preparations for the Mojokerto City election in 2024.

“Nation’s Unity and Politics Board of Mojokerto City expects this cooperation to start immediately because it is crucial and urgent for Mojokerto City election in February 2024,” he said.

During this meeting, Adam Pranajaya, S.E., also suggested that the preparations for the election should adhere to the Memorandum of Understanding between Nation’s Unity and Politics Board of Mojokerto City and FCS UB.

“This cooperation is mutually agreed upon through the points outlined in the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) document and through the Terms of Reference. We seek help from FCS UB to initiate the first activity, that is mapping political vulnerability and political enclaves in Mojokerto City,” he added.

In respond, Nanang Endrayanto, M.Sc., explained that FCS UB was ready to contribute to the government, especially for Nation’s Unity and Politics Board of Mojokerto City to support the working program.

“The main point is that FCS UB is always open to collaborating with many parties, including to support the working program of Nation’s Unity and Politics Board of Mojokerto City,” he concluded.

Also attending the meeting were the Head of Research and Community Service of FCS UB and the Head of Information System Management and Public Relations of FCS UB. [trans.vidya/ed.dts/PR FCS]