Greeting from the Dean

Welcome to the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Universitas Brawijaya!

It is my pleasure to introduce you to our vibrant and dynamic faculty, which has been a cornerstone of excellence in the fields of humanities and cultural studies since its establishment in 2009. Our faculty was founded in response to the evolving needs of Indonesian society, aiming to harmonise societal development with the progression of culture, language, and literature.


Our journey began in 1973 with the establishment of the Language Laboratory, which evolved over the decades, culminating in the formation of our Faculty of Cultural Studies. Today, we offer a diverse array of undergraduate programmes, including English Literature, Japanese Literature, French Language and Literature, Chinese Literature, Anthropology, Fine Arts, and various language education programmes such as English Language Education, Japanese Language Education, and Indonesian Language and Literature Education. We also provide further opportunities for students to continue their education by offering a graduate programme, Master’s in Linguistics, where students can pursue their passions for linguistics, language education, and translation. 

Our vision is to cultivate an excellent and globally recognised humanities and cultural studies faculty. We are committed to providing outstanding education and teaching, conducting superior research, and offering community services that make a tangible impact. Our curriculum is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in an increasingly competitive and innovative global job market.

In 2023, Universitas Brawijaya established an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Centre and an Integrity Zone to embrace technological advancements and promote clean governance. In alignment with these initiatives, we designated Digital Humanities as our Centre of Excellence and are actively developing a culture-based industry to preserve and utilise our rich cultural heritage.

At the Faculty of Cultural Studies, we are dedicated to inclusivity and safety. We provide mentoring services for students with disabilities, ensuring accessible educational opportunities for all. We also address sensitive issues such as sexual violence and bullying through a designated service unit, striving to maintain a secure and supportive environment for our community.

Our commitment to excellence extends to our research and community service efforts. We prioritise cultural research to enhance competitiveness and work closely with local communities to empower human resources and foster partnerships.

As we continue to advance and innovate, I am confident that the Faculty of Cultural Studies will achieve further success on both national and international stages. We invite you to join us in our journey of academic and cultural excellence.


Warm regards,

Hamamah, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. 

Dean, Faculty of Cultural Studies  

Universitas Brawijaya