Kegiatan “Temu Alumni” di Jepang bersama Dosen Sastra Jepang FIB UB

Saturday (4/11/2023) was the second day of the implementation of the Dosen Berkarya (Dokar) program by Lecturers of the Study Programme of Japanese Literature (SPJL) Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in Japan. As one of the many activities carried out in Dokar program, a gathering was held with alumni from the SPJL FCS UB who are currently working in Japan, to establish good relations and communication with alumni.

With their respective activities, there were 20 alumni who attended this meeting and shared experiences about their current jobs. In order to have a sustainable relationship with the alumni, this meeting also planned various programs and activities that involved alumni in Japan, such as guest lectures, teaching practitioners, employment information, and other activities.

Kegiatan “Temu Alumni” di Jepang bersama Dosen Sastra Jepang FIB UB

To follow up the realization of the program plan and to maintain communication, an alumni management board was also formed which is expected to be a bridge that helps the successful implementation of real work programs with clear coordination and schedules.

In order for the program plan clearly understood and to be sustained, this alumni meeting activity also discussed the implementation Key Performance Indicators (KPI) as an indicator of the success of the goals and objectives of the faculty, and this program was also part of it.

Furthermore, there was also a discussion about the role of alumni for the benefit of students, study programme, and faculty that can help the interest of students who are currently studying at FCS UB. [trans.adhyaksa/ed.vidya/PR FCS]