Eksplorasi Budaya dan Kuliner di Anthropology Student Awards 2024

The Study Programme of Anthropology at the Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS), Universitas Brawijaya (UB), awarded the winners of the “Anthropology Student Awards 2024” during the Humanities Student Competitions (HSC) Winners Awarding Ceremony on Thursday (30/5/2024). This national competition was held from 8 April to 18 May 2024.

The theme of the Anthropology Student Awards 2024, “Food and Culture,” celebrated Indonesia’s culinary and cultural diversity, exploring their interrelation from an anthropological perspective. The competition featured five categories with 16 sub-themes, including Poster, Essay, Photo Essay, Short Video, and Documentary Video. Despite a decrease in the number of participants due to the more specific themes chosen, the enthusiasm of the competition participants remained high. A total of 179 students from across Indonesia participated, with the Essay category being the most popular.

Yayuk Windarti, S.Sos., the PIC of Anthropology Student Awards 2024, stated that this year’s competition innovations focused on utilising social media digitisation and improved visual packaging, allowing participants to be more creative in presenting their work. The aim was to explore cultural phenomena from an anthropological perspective and introduce this perspective to a broader audience.

“We hope this event can continue and in the future accommodate more works with unique, interesting, and current themes,” said Yayuk.

The winners were announced two days before the award ceremony on Tuesday (28/5/2024), with judges from outside UB providing assessments and constructive criticism as evaluation material for the winners. The winners’ works can also be accessed through the Instagram account @anthropology_award.

“Congratulations for participating and for putting your best effort into energy, time, and polishing ideas in this competition. The winning works are of high quality. For those who have not won, be encouraged, and keep trying because winning is not only based on numbers but also the process,” said Yayuk.

Through this award, it is hoped that students will continue to develop their creativity, both in visual and written form, and be more enthusiastic about networking and exploring various cultural phenomena from an anthropological perspective. [trans.dts/ed.al/vidya/PR FCS]