FIB UB Menyambut Tamu Sabbatical Leave dari UiTM Malaysia

The Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) at Universitas Brawijaya (UB) welcomed Associate Professor Dr. Siti Maftuhah from Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Malaysia, on Tuesday, 19 March 2024. The meeting was held to officially greet Dr. Siti Maftuhah Binti Damio, who is on sabbatical leave at FCS UB. Accompanied by Mr. Azhari Bin Khamis, they arrived at the Meeting Room of Building B FCS and met with the Dean and Vice Deans of FCS UB at 10:00.

The event began with a speech by Hamamah S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D., Dean of FCS UB, who expressed her enthusiasm for Dr. Siti Maftuhah’s arrival.

“Dr. Siti Maftuhah has joined us from Malaysia to embark on a significant academic journey at Universitas Brawijaya. She will certainly contribute to our faculty with her knowledge and experience,” she said.

Following this, Dr. Siti Maftuhah introduced herself and outlined the topics and programmes she will undertake during her nine-month sabbatical leave at FCS UB. She has prepared a project titled “Designing an Instructional Model Incorporating Explanations, Examples, and Exercises (3E) for Teaching English as a Second or Other Languages.” FCS UB hopes that Dr. Siti Maftuhah will engage in collaborative teaching and deliver lectures at the Department of Language Education.

In addition to teaching, Dr. Siti Maftuhah will collaborate with UB on international research initiatives. According to the Key Performance Index (KPI) from UiTM, this programme aims to produce four journal publications in cooperation with UiTM and UB.

Mr. Azhari, who accompanied Dr. Siti Maftuhah, has a programme focused on technology and information (TI). He plans to conduct training sessions on basic TI knowledge.

Mr. Azhari emphasised the importance of TI for achieving progress and accomplishments. He noted that teaching TI to people will benefit not only FCS and UB but also Indonesia as a whole. [trans.adhyaksa/ed.vidya/PR FCS]