Study Program of Anthropology FCS UB constantly strives to make the science of anthropology descend from the ivory tower in order to blend and to be closer to the society. One of the realizations of this idea was concretized in the visit of Anthropology Lecturer Team to Indonesian Music Museum (MMI) some time ago.
In the event, the two sides agreed to cooperate in two ways and this cooperation was also agreed to be a venue for the Internship of Anthropology students in the future. “This cooperation is expected to bring as much benefit to both sides. On the side of Anthropology, hopefully this cooperation is not only useful for the exploration of Lecturer’s study, but also provides study room for students. On the part of MMI, hopefully this cooperation will help and support MMI to work and contribute to the professional community,” said the Head of Study Program of Anthropology, Dr. Hipolitus K. Kewuel as well as the team leader of this program.
The Discussion of Anthropology Lecturers with MMI Staff
In the first program, Study Program of Anthropology will help designing the MMI cataloging system. This program is intended to answer the needs of MMI’s catalogue, which is still manual. Irsyad Martias, M.A., one of the lecturers of Anthropology, is believed to command this program. “I’ve tried the free ware cataloging system with a very standard format. We will try to develop it. This practical mechanical thing can be done by the MMI assisted by Anthropology students in the internship program,” explained the lecturer of Anthropology vigorously.
The second program deals with the making of Indonesian Music Encyclopedia. This program is intended to provide detailed information related to the repertoire of Indonesian Music. Manggala Ismanto, M.A. as Lecturer of Art Anthropology will command the program. “I also have prepared the specification that must be filled as completeness of information on each song. Through the encyclopedia, people are easy to track information about a song: who was the author, when was it created, when was it popularized and by which band? That’s what I try to prepare after comparing with encyclopedic formats in general,” he asserted.
Furthermore, to give the anthropological nuanced scientific content of the encyclopedia, the team leader, Dr. Hipolitus Kewuel recommends giving extra charge of Themes and Messages from each song. “This is important as a typical contribution of Anthropology in the encyclopedia. The simple intention is to make this encyclopedia at the same time as a source of reference in the study of identity because through the lyrics of the song one cannot be separated from the social, cultural, or personal context. At this point, I think it is the distinctive contribution of Anthropology in this encyclopedia,” he concluded.
The Visit of Anthropology Study Lecturers to MMI
Responding to the two concepts of this program, the person in charge of MMI, Mr. Hengky felt very grateful. “This is the importance of our collaboration: it has the value of knowledge as well as the entertainment. These programs can be done to the cooperation between MMI with the lecturers and students from the Anthropology of FCS UB,” he said hopefully. [PS.Antro/MSH/PSIK FIB]